Friday, November 25, 2016


its amazing how life changes...  For me, I've decided to take a different road.   Some may not understand it..  But I do, and I know God knows the whys and becauses..   So I'm looking forward to this new adventure wherever it may lead.. And I just want to be happy again...  Life is short and no one is promised another day, so I'm taking this chance and seeing what good comes with it..

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

So tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for.   First of all I'm thankful that I am breathing and healthy..  But mostly I am thankful for Jesus and his love.   Without Him there would be no reason for Life...   He is my sure foundation and my Hope!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Life can be messy but its what you choose to do with the mess that makes the difference.   I was
just thinking how unfair some people in my life have treated me, and I heard that still small voice say you don't have to be bitter, you can become better..   Ive been single for almost my entire adult life.
But not until recently within the past two years have I realized how lonely and alone a person can feel.    I wanted to blame my family and closest friends, and actually did....  I thought it was their fault I felt so much pain.   But I made the choices I did, and therefore you have to live with those choices even if they are not what you want.     So thru all this, I have learned to trust Jesus more, and continue to remind myself He is always with me even when others are not.  

Lessons learned
Sometimes people when they are hurting hurt the people who were closest to them.  You say things out of hurt and anger,
and then you realize that changed everything.   It was a hard lesson for me because it cost me a relationship, but I can
learn from it, and realize you cant say what you feel like saying, because you cant take those things back.   So next time
if i need to vent, I will write it down for only me and God to see, and then release it to Him.   That way you dont say
something you regret.